Olga Anna Wiewióra - born July 26, 1980 [on the same day as George Bernard Shaw and Mick Jagger, but definitely later]. Once – editor-in-chief of "CML Galeria" [2013-2015]. Now – a freelance translator and editor. Sometimes – the author of short stories and translations published in Polish nationwide literary magazines "Twórczość" and "Odra" [under the literary pseudonym - Aleksandra Keller]. Debut - the novel "Listy Nauzykai" [eng. Letters of Nausikaa] (Lublin 2011) awarded with the 1st prize in the 21st National Literary Competition of the Lublin Branch of the Polish Writers' Association "For the best book by a young author".
Since 2014, she has been translating contemporary Latvian poetry - a scholarship holder of the International Writers' and Translators' House in Ventspils (Latvia) and Translation House Looren (Switzerland). In 2016, she was awarded a scholarship from the Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the field of literature. In 2018, she was honored with the International Literary and Artistic Award of Panteleimon Kulisz (Ukraine) - for popularizing Ukrainian literature in Poland and creating an intercultural space for dialogue and mutual understanding.
In 2020, an anthology of contemporary Latvian poetry was published in Poland – Wszystkie ptaki, co we mnie... (Visi putni, kas manī ...) [Lublin 2020, Publishing house: Warsztaty Kultury] – in her selection and translation [with an introduction by Dr. Māris Salējs and an afterword by Prof. Andrzej Niewiadomski], presenting the works of 11 Latvian poets: Knuts Skujenieks, Jānis Rokpelnis, Leons Briedis, Māra Zālīte, Inese Zandere, Liāna Langa, Edvīns Raups, Kārlis Vērdiņš, Ingmāra Balode, Juris Kronbergs, Uldis Bērziņš.
Agnieszka Smarzewska. Latvia is still enigmatic for Poles. Interview with Olga Wiewióra // Przeglad Baltycki, November 2021 [PL]
Agnieszka Smarzewska. Seeing is knowing. Review of Juris Kronbergs' poetry collection "Wolf One-Eye" // Przeglad Baltycki, August 2021 [PL]
Agnieszka Smarzewska. Lights in the fog. Review of the anthology of Latvian poetry "All the birds that are in me..." translated by Olga Wiewióra // Przeglad Baltycki October, 2020 [PL]
2018, the International Literary and Artistic Award of Panteleimon Kulisz

Wszystkie ptaki, co we mnie…
Wszystkie ptaki, co we mnie… (Visi putni, kas manī...)

: Wszystkie ptaki, co we mnie…Title*
: Visi putni, kas manī...Authors
: , , , , , , , , , ,Translated by
:Warsztaty Kultury, Poland
:The authors, the publisher, the translator
:Contemporary Latvian Poetry Anthology

Wilk Jedno Oko
Wilk Jedno Oko (Vilks Vienacis)

: Wilk Jedno OkoTitle*
: Vilks VienacisAuthors
:Translated by
:Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie, Poland
:Collection of poems