Poet, writer and playwright Arnolds Auziņš (1931) was born in Dundaga, Latvia. He studied philology at the University of Latvia. Auziņš has worked in the editing department of Pionieris newspaper and editorial board of Draugs magazine. His first collection of poems Smaids [Smile] was published in 1967. He has published works of poetry, prose, children’s literature, non-fiction. Many of his poems became lyrics for Latvian composers’ songs. Auziņš’ poems are translated into English, Russian, Lithuanian, Georgian, Finnish and Bulgarian languages.
Astotais bauslis [The Eighth Commandtment]. Riga: Jumava, 2020.
Sieviete neprot zaudēt [A Woman Cannot Lose]. Riga: Jumava, 2019.
Pūcei aste noziedēja [Owl's Tail Has Blossomed]. Riga: Jumava, 2017.
Kā toreiz Virdžīnijā [That Time In Virginia]. Riga: Lauku Avīze, 2017.
Bīstamā līdzība [Dangerous Similarity]. Riga: Jumava, 2017.
Bez sievietēm grūti [It Is Difficult Without The Women]. Riga: Lauku Avīze, 2016.
Zvans no viņpasaules [A Call From The Beyond]. Riga: Jumava, 2016.
Arī rakstnieks ir cilvēks [The Writer Is Alos A Human]. Riga: Dienas Grāmata, 2015.
Nevīstošā saulespuķe [Unfading Sunflower]. Riga: Lauku Avīze, 2013.
Vendeta letiņu gaumē [Vendeta Latvian Style]. Riga: Lauku Avīze, 2008.
Mirkli, apstājies! [The Moment, Stop!]. Riga: IDE Rozītes, 2019.
Ticība [Faith]. Riga: Liesma, 1979.
Young Adult
Karuselis [Merry-go-round]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2008.
Children's Literature
Garā pupa [Long Bean]. Riga: Biedrība Ascendum, 2018.
Garā pupa [Long Bean]. Riga: Biedrība Ascendum, 2017.
Garā pupa [Long Bean]. Riga: Biedrība Ascendum, 2016.
Biki Buks #62 Saldējums [Ice Cream]. Riga: Liels un mazs, 2015.
Garā pupa [Long Bean]. Riga: Biedrība Ascendum, 2015.
Spoks pilī [Ghost in the Castle]. Riga: Likteņstāsti, 2000.
Rabarbers [Rhubarb]. Riga: Liesma, 1979.
Nesoliet man karaļvalsti [Don't Promise Me Kingdom]. Riga: Liesma, 1977.
Nelaimes putns [Bird of Calamity]. Riga: Liesma, 1976.
Griezies, vilciņ! [Spinn Spinning top!]. Riga: Liesma, 1973.
Baļķis acī [Log in the Eye]. Riga: Liesma, 1972.
Brīnumpupa [Magic Bean]. Riga: Liesma, 1970.
Mana ataudziņa [My Growth]. Riga: Liesma, 1969.
Smaids [Smile]. Riga: Liesma, 1967.
Mirušie sāk runāt [The Dead Begin To Talk]. Riga: Liesma, 1966.
Kā pliks pa nātrēm [Naked in the Nettle]. Riga: Jumava, 2019.
Dzīvās atbalsis [Echos Alive]. Riga: Jumava, 2016.
Pārdaugavas spogulī [In the mirror of Pardaugava]. Riga: Autorizdevums, 2005.
Brīvās Latvijas prezidenti [Presidents of the free Latvia]. Riga: Jumava, 2003.
Pasaule sākas ar vārdu [The World Begins With A Word]. Riga: Avots, 1984.
No tevis nešķiršos [I Won't Separate from You]. Riga: Liesma, 1984.
Robotu ieeļļošana [Robot Oil]. Riga: Liesma, 1974.
Ogles zīmējumi [Charchoal Drawings]. Riga: Liesma, 1974.
Books to fall for
About Dangerous Similarity // Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji, 2017 [LV]
About The Writer Is Also A Human // Diena.lv, 2015 [LV]
Interview with Arnolds Auziņš // Diena.lv, 2015 [LV]
Anete Konste, Rakstīt, lai izstāstītu, review of The Writer Is Also A Human // Online magazine Satori, 2015 [LV]
2017, The Order of the Three Stars
Bicki-Books #5: Ice Cream
Bicki-Books #5: Ice Cream (Saldējums)
: Bicki-Books #5: Ice CreamTitle*
: SaldējumsAuthors
:Children`s Book
:The author, the illustrator, the translators
:Arnolds Auziņš offers a cautionary tale about the perils of eating too many sweet treats – if you choose to see it that way.
Tirpsta diena kaip ledai
Tirpsta diena kaip ledai (Dzejoļi bērniem, antoloģija)
: Tirpsta diena kaip ledaiTitle*
: Dzejoļi bērniem, antoloģijaAuthors
: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,Translated by
: , , , , , ,Genre