Rvīns Varde (1985) works as a transcriber for the intellectual monthly magazine Rīgas Laiks, literally filling himself with the thoughts and recollections of numerous wise and bright personalities from various countries, backgrounds, and professions. These daily, spiritual contacts have undeniably left a mark on his writing style and are sometimes referred to in his texts. It should be mentioned that birdwatching and photography are among his favorite pastimes. He has a keen eye for detail and remarkable ability to express himself in a rich and thought-provoking, yet approachable and entertaining manner. Kas te notiek [What's Goin' on There] is Varde's literary debut that was awarded the Annual Latvian Literature Award in 2020.
Kas te notiek [What's Goin' on There]. Riga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2019.
Books to fall for

What's Goin' on There
What's Goin' on There (Kas te notiek)
What’s Goin’ on There is one of the most impressive literary debuts of 2019 in the category of documentary fiction. This is the vivid collection of Varde’s observations on the everyday life of contemporary Latvian society – a string of over one hundred short episodes wherein his sharp, humoristic descriptions of things happening here and now – either with Varde himself or with somebody right beside him – often turn into deeper contemplations on some aspect of our perception of current reality.
Varde calls his literary sketches “the chronicles of attempts to survive.”
“For the author, it might be enough to enjoy the soap bubbles which reflect all the world which is impossible to catch in the eye of the camera. But for us, the readers, this book is indeed a valuable gift – a tool to improve our perception of life’s beauty and absurdity.” – Ingmāra Balode, poetess and translator.
Contact: Renāte Punka, renate.punka@jr.lv

:What's Goin' on There
:Kas te notiek
:Jāņa Rozes apgāds
Foreign rights
:All languages available
Conversations with Rvīns Varde // Online magazine Punctum, 2020 [LV]
About What's Goin' on There // Online magazine Satori, 2019 [LV]
Svens Kuzmins, Māksla nesaprast dzīvi, review of What's Goin' on There // Online magazine Satori, 2019 [LV]
Jūlija Dibovska, Kombinācijas un ripiņas, review of What's Goin' on There // Online magazine Punctum, 2019 [LV]
2020, the Annual Latvian Literature Award Best Debut for What's Goin' on There

Mis siin toinub
Mis siin toinub (Kas te notiek?)

: Mis siin toinubTitle*
: Kas te notiek?Authors
:Translated by
:Short Stories
:Mina Ise, Estonia
:The publisher, the translator, the designer
:This is the vivid collection of Varde’s observations on the everyday life of contemporary Latvian society – a string of over one hundred short episodes wherein his sharp, humoristic descriptions of things happening here and now.

Lidé jako my
Lidé jako my (Latviešu autoru prozas antoloģija)

: Lidé jako myTitle*
: Latviešu autoru prozas antoloģijaAuthors
: , , , , , , , , , ,Translated by
: , , , , , ,Genre
:Nakladatelství Karolinum
:The authors