Valts Ernštreits is a poet, translator, artist and researcher at the University of Tartu. He was awarded a doctoral degree from the University of Tartu, Department of Philosophy, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics. He now teaches a course in Livonian Language and Culture at the University of Latvia, as well as in other universities in Germany and Finland, and is an author of multiple research publications. His graphic art has been displayed in solo-exhibitions and group shows. Valts Ernštreits has received several nominations and awards in various fields of research, literature and translation. On several occasions, he has been interpreting for Estonian presidents during state visits. Valts Ernštreits actively promotes Livonian culture – he works at the University of Latvia Livonian Institute, and is closely engaged in assembling and publishing works in the Liv language, such as the anthology of Liv poetry Ma akūb sīnda vizzõ, tūrska!/ I'm far shrewder than you, cod! (1998), or the largest Liv-Estonian-Latvian dictionary. His poetry was first published in 1983, in the youth magazine Zīlīte. Since then he has participated in various literary and poetry festivals. His début collection of poetry Inter/rational came out in 2003, and eleven years passed before his second book Dark Energy was published in 2014, and shortlisted for the Latvju Teksti Magazine Award. His poems have been translated into English, Finnish, Estonian, Dutch, Macedonian, and Swedish.
People like us / Seļļizt nemē mēg. London: Francis Boutle Publishers, 2019.
Trillium. Riga: Starptautiskā lībiešu draugu biedrība, Lībiešu kultūras centrs, 2018.
Dark Energy. Riga: Mansards, 2014.
Inter/rational. Riga: Rīgas Jauno Literātu Apvienība, 2003.
Ma akūb sīnda vizzõ, tūrska! [I'm More Cunning Than You]. Cod. Riga: Līvõ Kultūr Sidām, 1998.
Books to fall for
Will Mawhood. Translating from Latvia’s Threatened Languages // The Dial, December 2024 [EN]
Don't look the Latvian in the eye. Ball of introverts. Anthology of new Latvian poetry // Sirp, January, 2023 [EE]
Piret Kriivan.Language show. About Livonian poetry // Vikerradio, September 2022 [EST]
At one time, the Livonians formed a significant part of the Baltic population - Now there are few of them left, but their literary culture has not disappeared // Turku Sanomat, September 2022 [FI]
The works of three Livonian poets will be heard in the Tallinn Writers' House // Kultuur Postimees, 2022 [EST]
About People like us / Seļļizt nemē mēg // British Library blog, 2020 [EN]
Conversation with Valts Ernštreits // Online magazine Punctum, 2019 [LV]
Conversation with Valts Ernštreits //, 2018 [LV]
About Seļļizt nemē mēg/People like us //, 2019 [EN]
About Trillium //, 2018 [LV]
Documentary about Valts Ernštreits and Trillium // Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji, 2018 [LV with EN subtitles]
Ville Hytönen. The language does not die if poetry is written in it - the anthology of Livonian poetry shows the power of smallness // Helsinki Sanomat, September 2022 [FI]
Valts Ernštreits' CV and publications // Eesti Teadusinfosüsteem [EN]
Valts Ernštreits profile // Poetry International Rotterdam, 2002 [EN]
2019, the Annual Latvian Literature Award for Special Achievement for Trillium
2016, Languages Award by the Latvian and Estonian Foreign Ministries for contribution to research in the Estonian and the Liv languages, high quality translations and contribution to compiling the Estonian-Latvian Dictionary
2003, Klāvs Elsbergs Prize for Inter/rational

People Like Us
People Like Us (Seļļizt nemē mēg)

: People Like UsTitle*
: Seļļizt nemē mēgAuthors
:Translated by
:Francis Boutle Publishers, United Kingdom
:The author, the translator
:In People Like Us you will wander through Latvia meeting Livonian characters as they struggle with the burdens and responsibilities of their language and heritage.

Trillium: a collection of livonian poetry
Trillium: a collection of livonian poetry (Trillium: lībiešu dzejas krājums)

: Trillium: a collection of livonian poetryTitle*
: Trillium: lībiešu dzejas krājumsAuthors
: , ,Genre
:The International Society of Livonian Friends, Estonia
:The authors, the translators;
:The authors of this book are three poets who all write in the ancient and once great Livonian language, which today only a few dozen people can speak across the entire world.

Poetry Wales. Latvia via Wales: contemporary Latvian poets in translation. No.2, 2017
Poetry Wales. Latvia via Wales: contemporary Latvian poets in translation. No.2, 2017 (Mūsdienu latviešu dzejnieki Velsas literārajā žurnālā)

: Poetry Wales. Latvia via Wales: contemporary Latvian poets in translation. No.2, 2017Title*
: Mūsdienu latviešu dzejnieki Velsas literārajā žurnālāAuthors
: , , , , , , ,Translated by
: , , , , , ,Genre
:Poetry wales, United Kingdom
:The contributors
:Poetry translations of poets that participated in poetry translation workshops in Riga and in Wales.

Trilium 2.0
Trilium 2.0 (Trillium/Trilium)

: Trilium 2.0Title*
: Trillium/TriliumAuthors
: , ,Genre
:The International Society of Livonian Friends, Estonia
:The authors, the designer
:A second collection of the Livonian poetry, following the 2018 bilingual version (Livonian and English) 'Trilium / Trillium'.This time the poetry can be read in three languages - Livonian, Estonian and Latvian.

Introvertide ball. Läti uue luule antoloogia
Introvertide ball. Läti uue luule antoloogia (Dzejas antoloģija)

: Introvertide ball. Läti uue luule antoloogiaTitle*
: Dzejas antoloģijaAuthors
: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,Translated by
:Hea Lugu
:the author
:Anthology of Latvian poetry