Juris Zvirgzdiņš (1941-2023) is known for being one of the most productive writers of highly esteemed literature, having written more than 20 books for children. His works have received many awards, and have been translated into several languages. 11 radio plays were staged for his works between 1982 and 1992. This writer stands out namely with his educational books where children are introduced to various concepts in an engaging way, for instance, going on adventures in the Museum of the History of Riga, visiting the Latvian National Library, or the Riga Zoo, learning about the history of the United States of America, or Austrian music, etc. The author is best known for his books about the teddy bear called Tobias. Tobias is one of the bears from Juris Zvirgzdiņš' actual collection of toys, and as the author himself asserts – Tobias is the true author of at least 7 literary works attributed to Zvirgzdiņš. These works feature other animals from his collection – the little bear Eliot, rhinoceros Mufa, little dog Fu Fuu, and others. In his works, Zvirgzdiņš masterly intertwines documentary with fantasy, and for this reason, his works are dearly loved by children – the stories are not only well imagined, but also have elements of reality and actual experiences. His book Muffa: Story of the White Baby Rhinoceros was included in the prestigious White Ravens Catalogue in 2012. In 2020 Zvirgzdiņš was awarded the Annual Latvian Literature Lifetime Achievement Award.
Esse un ... un ... [Esse and... and ...]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2020.
Kapteiņa zirdziņš [Captain's Little Horse]. Riga: liels un mazs, 2020.
Tobiass un rakstnieks [Tobias and the Writer]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2020.
Rasas vasara [Rasa's Summer]. Pētergailis, 2019.
Zvaigžņu tramvajs [Star Tram]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2018.
Tobiass, Čārlijs un Neredzamais spoks [Tobias, Charlie and the Invisible Ghost]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2017.
Ko nolaupīja gaisa balons jeb Tobiass, Paulīne un Kaķis ceļo uz Spāniju [What the Hot air balloon Stole or Tobias, Pauline and the Cat travel to Spain]. Riga: Liels un mazs, 2016.
Mazās bites lielais ceļojums [A Big Trip of a Small Bee]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2016.
Lauvas rūciens [Lion's Roar]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2015.
Enģelīša ceļojums [Trip of an Angel]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2015.
No Rīgas līdz Rīgai. Tobiass un Tama lielajā Eiropas bibliotēku ceļojumā [From Riga to Riga. Tobias and Tama on their Big Trip Around Europe's Libraries] Riga: Pētergailis, 2014.
Miega Pasaka [Sleep Fairytale]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2014.
Ziemas pasaka [Winter's Tale]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2014.
Seši stāsti par ASV vēsturi [Six Stories About History of USA]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2013.
Taro, Tama un Kicune [Taro, Tama and Kicune]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2013.
Muzejā iespīd Mēness jeb Tobiass un draugi sargā Rīgas vēsturi [The Museum by Moonlight or Tobias and Friends on Guard of the History of Riga]. Riga: Liels un mazs, 2012.
Atgriešanās Itakā [The Return to Ithaca]. Riga: Dienas Grāmata, 2011.
Mufa. Riga: Liels un mazs, 2011.
Tobiass un neparastais ciemiņš [Tobias and the Unusual Guest]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2010.
Rīgā, kādu nakti... [Riga One Night]. Riga: Zinātne, 2010.
Odu laiks [The Time of Odes]. With Vladis Spāre and Lienīte Medne-Spāre. Riga: Skarabejs, 2009.
Lāča Bruņa medības [The Hunt for Bruno the Bear] Riga: liels un mazs, 2009.
Pele, punkts un Gūtenbergs [The Mouse, the Dot and Mr Gutenberg]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2009.
Mūsu Latvija [Our Latvia]. Riga: Zinātne, 2008.
Knorke! jeb Tobiass un Fufū meklē Mocartu [Knorke! or Tobiass and Fu Fuu go Searching for Mozart]. Riga: liels un mazs, 2007.
Konteineru meitene Rudīte [Container girl Rudite]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007.
Pēdējais Pūķis un Artūrs Uū! [The Last Dragon and Arthur Ooh!] Riga: Pētergailis, 2006.
Bebru atgriešanās: stāsts par bebrēna Bruka un viņa ģimenes piedzīvojumiem [The Return of the Beavers]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2005.
Franklina cepure [Franklin's Hat]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2005.
Tobiass dodas pasaulē [Tobias Goes Out Into the World] Riga: Garā pupa, 2005.
Fon Mērkatces kunga memuāri [Memoirs of Von Meerkatze]. Riga: Karogs, 2003.
Tobiasa blēņu stāsti [Tobias' Mischief Stories] Riga: Garā Pupa, 2002.
Rīgas sapņugrāmata [The Dreambook of Riga]. Riga: Jaunā Daugava, 2002.
Bebru atgriešanās [The Return of the Beavers]. Wedemark-Elze: Harro v. Hirschheydt, 2001.
Reiz senos laikos Kurzemē [Once Upon a Time in Courland]. Riga: J. Roze, 1999.
Odu laiks [The Time of Odes]. With L. Medni and V. Spāri, Riga: Artava, 1995.
Esse un… [Esse and ...] Riga: Artava, 1993.
Books to fall for

Dance on a Tightrope
Dance on a Tightrope (Dancis uz Virves)
The significance in Latvian history of the years described in Zvirgzdiņš’ novel Dance on a Tightrope has not yet been fully understood. The narrative of the novel takes place in a Riga apartment in 1939, a short while before the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact by Germany and USSR, which divided the world as if the countries were toy building blocks. The protagonists in the novel are not heroes of their era but the most average of everyday people – each with their own story, fated to be lived through in the pages of the book under circumstances dictated by war. The protagonists are of various ethnic origins, besides Latvians there are also Germans, Russians, Jews and Poles in the narrative. Zvirgzdiņš shows how, with the change of regimes, people also change. Their lives become a true dance on a tightrope or finding oneself on the edge of a knife blade. Haralds, the ever helpful Mrs. Olga, Miss Stege the dentist, the efficient Amēlia or Amītis, the artist and free-thinker Kalnavārna, Eidis, who is able to adjust to any time-period, including wartime, the Jewish girl Ida, whom the author has provided with the opportunity in the novel’s epilogue to unite with Eidis and to return to a once-more-independent Latvia in the 1990s from their home of many years, New York. The author develops the plot of the novel unusually swiftly for Latvian literature. One scene quickly follows another; the many dialogues virtually allow the reader to take part in conversations. And, as is characteristic for Zvirgzdiņš – throughout so much that is tragic, from the many years of Soviet occupation, the arrival of the Nazis in Riga, the fleeing to exile from one’s homeland – the author’s characteristic humour permeates this work. In describing the novel, one can call it grotesque, farcical, or sentimental, but it doesn’t speak of what is most significant, which is that the unique style of Zvirgzdins is unlike any other in European literature.
Contacts: Kaspars Eizentāls, kaspars.eizentals@petergailis.lv

:Dance on a Tightrope
:Dancis uz Virves
Foreign rights
:All languages available
Rawrrr! or The Lion’s Roar
Rawrrr! or The Lion’s Roar (Rrrr! jeb Lauvas rūciens )
Ilustrations by Lina Dudaite
This book by the popular Latvian writer Juris Zvirgzdiņš was intended as a children’s story about animals, flowers and toys, speaking about serious matters like compassion, putting oneself into someone else’s shoes, solidarity and working together towards solving problems in an easy and lighthearted manner. The author does not instruct his reader or try to teach him a lesson – nor does the illustrator of the book, the renowned artist Lina Dudaite. It was her ideas that inspired the writer to create this book.
Contacts: mara.uljanova@petergailis.lv, www.petergailis.lv
:Rawrrr! or The Lion’s Roar
:Rrrr! jeb Lauvas rūciens
:Rīga, Pētergailis
Foreign rights
:All languages available

Muffa: Story of the White Baby Rhinoceros
Muffa: Story of the White Baby Rhinoceros (Mufa)
Illustrations by Reinis Pētersons
— The National Book Art Contest Award ‘Golden Apple Tree’ 2012
— Latvian Children’s Jury Award 2011
— White Raven 2012
The amazing story of a baby rhino’s travel from Northern Europe to Africa. Muffa is an orphan; zoo keeper Ibu assumes care for him. Soon Muffa learns to speak and read and hides from cold and heat by wrapping himself up in the newspapers he has read. Muffa speaks the HUMAN language: no matter which country the two friends end up in, Muffa understands everybody and everybody understands him. But when Muffa reaches Kenya where a huge variety of animals live on the lakeside, they are attacked by poachers.
Contacts: pasts@lielsmazs.lv, www.lielsmazs.lv

:Muffa: Story of the White Baby Rhinoceros
:Rīga, Liels un mazs
Foreign rights
:All languages available

Have a Nice Day! Almost a Love Story
Have a Nice Day! Almost a Love Story (Have a nice day! Gandrīz mīlas stāsts )
Illustrations by Elīna Brasliņa
— The National Book Art Contest Award ‘Golden Apple Tree’ 2015
The protagonist of the book is a boy who has lost his parents in a car accident. For four years he is tossed from one family of relatives to another like a football. The boy’s relatives do not need such a ‘retarded’ and ‘slow’ child. The boy is sent to a specialised establishment, after that – to an ordinary school, where, following countless complications, he finds his classmate`s friendship and his first love.
Contacts: mara.uljanova@petergailis.lv, www.petergailis.lv

:Have a Nice Day! Almost a Love Story
:Have a nice day! Gandrīz mīlas stāsts
:Rīga, Pētergailis
Foreign rights
:All languages available

Toby, Charlie, and the Invisible Ghost Dog
Toby, Charlie, and the Invisible Ghost Dog (Tobiass, Čārlijs un neredzamais spoks )
Out of pure curiosity and recklessness, two bears - Tobias and his friend Charley – embark on a series of mischievous adventures. Responding to an advert they find impossible to resist they go to a flat at 13, Fog Monkeys Boulevard; the home of an unusual and not altogether pleasant family. There they meet an invisible creature who changes their lives entirely – a creature who makes them experience a wide range of feelings from shyness and fear to interest and compassion. The bears are very good-natured and always eager to help - it is these personal qualities which ensure the story has a happy ending.
The story has a wealth of comic episodes interwoven with sadder, more serious nuances – encouraging the reader to reflect upon the qualities of responsibility, compassion and honesty while at the same time enjoying an adventurous, fast-paced plot.
Contacts: mara.uljanova@petergailis.lv
Tobias,Charly and the Invisible_Ghost__excerpt+synopsis_ENG-converted.pdf

:Toby, Charlie, and the Invisible Ghost Dog
:Tobiass, Čārlijs un neredzamais spoks
:Rīga, Pētergailis
Foreign rights
:All languages available

Rasa's Summer
Rasa's Summer (Rasas vasara)
Maybe you had read about a girl named Rasa, her Mom, her teddy bear Tobias and her dog Zorro from “The Lion’s Roar”? In the autumn, Rasa will go to school. Her dog Zorro has grown up too, and her teddy bear Tobias claims to have reached a respectable age for teddy bears. Tobias announces that it’s time to continue the story of their summer adventures. When they go to Grandma’s home in the country, they all will read their favorite books for rainy days, and they will also have to visit Rasa’s stupid cousins (Tobias says “stupid” very quietly.) And the adventures begin for new friends too – full of danger and fear. And courage and wisdom.
Contact: kaspars.eizentals@petergailis.lv

:Rasa's Summer
:Rasas vasara
:Lina Dūdaitė
Foreign rights
:Foreign rights sold: Finnish

The Republic of Bears
The Republic of Bears (Lāču republika)
Minister of Strategic Planning gets up on the wrong side of the bed and is late for the Cabinet Ministers’ meeting. He blames it on a little bear cub, causing him to miss his ride. At the meeting he suddenly remembers: The bear! Now, that is the real issue! The Minister exclaims in a booming voice: “Respected colleagues! We have a terrible situation in our capital city! There are bears wandering the streets!” Ministers are concerned about violating private property and offer to buy the bears. The Cabinet agrees to request co-financing from the EU to relocate the bears and form a working group.
Contact: kaspars.eizentals@petergailis.lv

:The Republic of Bears
:Lāču republika
Foreign rights
:All languages available
Žanete Vēvere. A Glimpse Into The Latvian Literature! // All about book publishing, February, 2023 [IN]
About Captain's Little Horse // Online magazine Satori, 2020 [LV]
About Esse and... and... // Online magazine Satori, 2020 [LV]
Interview with Juris Zvirgzdiņš // Online magazine Punctum, 2020 [LV]
Extract from The Book of Riga // European Literature Network, 2018 [EN]
About The Hunt for Bruno the Bear // Liels un mazs publishing house website, 2009 [EN, LV]
About The Museum by Moonlight or Tobias and Friends on Guard of The History of Riga // Liels un mazs publishing house [EN, LV]
About The Museum by Moonlight or Tobias and Friends on Guard of The History of Riga // J. Roze publishing house website, 2012 [LV]
About Knorke! or Tobiass and Fu Fuu go Searching for Mozart // Liels un mazs publishing house website, 2007 [EN, LV]
Interview with Zvirgzdiņš // Guntis Berelis literary blog, 2011 [LV]
Juris Zvirgzdiņš, author // Zvaigzne ABC publishing house [LV]
Juris Zvirgzdiņš, author's profile // The Council of the Creative Unions of Latvia [LV]
Review of Rasa's Summer // Lastenkirjavuosi blog, 2020 [FI]
Guntis Berelis, review of The Return to Ithaca // Guntis Berelis literary blog, 2011 [LV]
Guntis Berelis, review of The Dreambook of Riga // Guntis Berelis literary blog, 2002 [LV]
Guntis Berelis, review of The Time of Odes // Guntis Berelis literary blog, 1994 [LV]
Guntis Berelis, review of Esse and... // Guntis Berelis literary blog, 1993 [LV]
2020, the Annual Latvian Literary Award of Lifetime Achievement
2013, The International Jānis Baltvilks Baltic Sea Region Award
2013, Aleksandrs Čaks Award
2009, The International Jānis Baltvilks Baltic Sea Region Award
2002, 1st place in the Karogs and R.Gerkens fiction competition for Memoirs of Von Meerkatze
2002, The Annual Children's Literature Award for The Return of the Beavers
2000, IBBY Latvia prize
2000, The Pastariņš Children's Literature Prize
Liūto riaumojimas
Liūto riaumojimas (Lauvas rūciens)
: Liūto riaumojimasTitle*
: Lauvas rūciensAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:Debesų ganyklos, Lithuania
:Juris Zvirgzdiņš
:This book is a children's story about animals, flowers and toys, yet addressing serious issues like compasion and solidarity.

Ensimmäinen joulukuusi
Ensimmäinen joulukuusi (Pirmā Ziemassvētku eglīte)

: Ensimmäinen joulukuusiTitle*
: Pirmā Ziemassvētku eglīteAuthors
:Children`s Book
:Paperiporo, Finland
:Juris Zvirgzdiņš, the publisher
:This is a story about the beginning of a tradition to decorate a christmas tree in Riga in a year 1510.

Leijonan ärji
Leijonan ärji (Lauvas rūciens)

: Leijonan ärjiTitle*
: Lauvas rūciensAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:Paperiporo, Finland
:The author, the illustrator;
:This book is a children’s story about animals, flowers and toys, speaking about serious matters like compassion, putting oneself into someone else’s shoes, solidarity and working together towards solving problems in an easy and lighthearted manner.

Rinoceronte alla riscossa
Rinoceronte alla riscossa (Mufa)

: Rinoceronte alla riscossaTitle*
: MufaAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:The author, the illustrator, the publisher
:A story of Mufa - an african baby white rhinoceros who is an orphan and Ibu – the student zoo keeper.

Տոբիասը, Չարլին եւ անտեսանելի ուրվականը
Տոբիասը, Չարլին եւ անտեսանելի ուրվականը (Tobiass, Čārlijs un Neredzamais spoks)

: Տոբիասը, Չարլին եւ անտեսանելի ուրվականըTitle*
: Tobiass, Čārlijs un Neredzamais spoksAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:The author, the illustrator, the translator, the publisher
:Tobias is accompanied by his best friend, another teddy named Charlie. Together they experience strange, scary, and exciting things.

ՓՈՔՐ ՄԵՂՎԻ ՄԵԾ ՃԱՄՓՈՐԴՈՒԹՅՈՒՆԸ (Mazās bitītes lielais ceļojums )

: Mazās bitītes lielais ceļojumsAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:The author, the illustrator, the translator, the publisher
:Through adventures of the main character bee Zuzu, the author introduces readers to nature, climate and religions of distant lands.

Rasan kesä
Rasan kesä (Rasas vasara)

: Rasan kesäTitle*
: Rasas vasaraAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:In the autumn, Rasa will go to school. Her dog Zorro has grown up too, and her teddy bear Tobias claims to have reached a respectable age for teddy bears. Tobias announces that it’s time to continue the story of their summer adventures.

Have a Nice Day! Գրեթե սիրային պատմություն
Have a Nice Day! Գրեթե սիրային պատմություն (Have a nice day! Gandrīz mīlas stāsts)

: Have a Nice Day! Գրեթե սիրային պատմությունTitle*
: Have a nice day! Gandrīz mīlas stāstsAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:The author, the illustrator
:The boy is sent to a specialised establishment, after that – to an ordinary school, where, following countless complications, he finds his classmate`s friendship and his first love.

The Book of Riga
The Book of Riga (Prozas antoloģija)

: The Book of RigaTitle*
: Prozas antoloģijaAuthors
: , , , , , , , , ,Translated by
: , , , , ,Genre
:Comma Press, UK
:The authors, the translators, the publisher;
:As its history might suggest, Riga is a work in progress; and for many of the characters in these stories, it is the possibilities of what the city might become, more than merely what it is now, that drives the imagination of its people.

The Baltics Riveter
The Baltics Riveter (Baltijas literatūras almanahs)

: The Baltics RiveterTitle*
: Baltijas literatūras almanahsAuthors
: , , , , , , , , ,Translated by
: , , , , ,Genre
:The Riveter, United Kingdom
:The contributors
:The fourth edition of the literary magazine The Riveter, that is dedicated to present literature from the Baltics, inluding guest editors, reviews and sample translations.

Karhujen tasavalta
Karhujen tasavalta (Lāču republika)

: Karhujen tasavaltaTitle*
: Lāču republikaAuthors
: ,Translated by
:Children`s Book
:the author, the illustrator
:Minister of Strategic Planning gets up on the wrong side of the bed and is late for the Cabinet Ministers’ meeting. He blames it on a little bear cub, causing him to miss his ride.