Ieva Flamingo (Samauska) (1969) is a Latvian journalist, poet and author of numerous well received books for children. Samauska has graduated from the Department of Philology at the University of Latvia and holds a degree in journalism, she has worked for various well known Latvian periodicals, magazines and publications. Her first book Starp diviem sirdspukstiem/Between Two Heartbeats was published in 2004. Her works have earned her several literary prizes and nominations. Her book Kā uzburt sniegu/How to Summon Snow was adapted for theatre in 2007. In 2015, Ieva Samauska received the prestigious Pastariņš Prize, and her works have been increasingly gaining popularity both among readers and literarary critics. Her book of poetry Oliņš Boliņš sēž uz soliņa/ Humpty Dumpty sat on a Bench (Zvaigzne ABC, 2015) was shortlisted for the Annual Latvian Literature Award and was among the top works rated by the young audiences in Latvia.
Gulošais policists un sapnis [Sleeping Police Officer and Dream]. Riga: Latvijas Mediji, 2021.
Pikucīšu piedzīvojumi [The Adventures of the Itsie-Bitsies]. Riga: Liels un mazs, 2018.
Labākā dāvana [The Best Present]. Riga: Amigo, 2016.
Kad aizmūk B un iemīlas V [When B Runs Away and V Falls in Love]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2016.
Čarlīnes deguns [Charlene's Nose]. Riga: Liels un mazs, 2016.
Muša, kura gribēja būt lidmašīna [The Fly that Wanted to be a Plane]. Riga: Lauku Avīze, 2016.
Skaļā klase [The Noisy Classroom]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2015.
Oliņš Boliņš sēž uz soliņa [Humpty Dumpty sat on a Bench]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2015.
Govs uz bagāžnieka [Cow on the Car Boot]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2014.
Ķiķināšanas gadalaiks [The Season of the Giggles]. Riga: Lietusdārzs, 2014.
Meitene, kura mācēja visas pasaules valodas [The Girl Who Learned All the Languages of the World. Birmingham]. Riga: Pētergailis, 2012.
Pilsēta no A līdz Z [City from A to Z], Riga: Annele, 2011.
Betijas sarunas jeb Kā es piedzimu [Betty's Conversations, or How I was Born]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007.
Kā uzburt sniegu [How Summon Snow ], Riga: Liels un mazs, 2006.
Starp diviem sirdspukstiem [Between Two Heartbeats]. Riga: Atēna, 2004.
Books to fall for

Noisy Classroom
Noisy Classroom (Skaļā klase)
This poetry collection will appeal to students of all ages. Anyone who has been through school will find something they can relate to, or a nuance they have forgotten. This collection covers the most important topics encountered in school: love, hatred, friendship, loneliness, success and failure in studies.

:Noisy Classroom
:Skaļā klase
:Rīga, Pētergailis
Foreign rights
:Rights sold to English

Seven Winged Insights in a Little Purse
Seven Winged Insights in a Little Purse (Septiņas spārnotas atziņas mazā somiņā)
The titmouse couple’s youngest child Tils is born last in the nest and therefore is at once different from the other children. Additionally, in the beginning he has problems with the most important skill for a bird – flying. With the love and patience of his parents, however, this apparent inability is not a barrier, but rather a steppingstone to growth.

:Seven Winged Insights in a Little Purse
:Septiņas spārnotas atziņas mazā somiņā
:Zvaigzne ABC
Foreign rights
:All languages available
Žanete Vēvere. A Glimpse Into The Latvian Literature! // All about book publishing, February, 2023 [IN]
About Sleeping Police Officer and Dream // Online magazine Satori, 2021 [LV]
Līga Rušeniece, Anything can Happen at any Moment, interview with Ieva Samauska // [LV]
About Samauska's Humpty Dumpty sat on a Bench // Zvaigzne ABC [LV]
Jan Tolkien, review of The Girl Who Learned All the Languages of the World // The School Reading List, 2019 [EN]
Review of The Noisy Classroom // Claire Storey Languages blog, 2018 [EN]
Review of The Noisy Classroom // Planet Picture Book, 2018 [EN]
Review of Humpty Dumpty sat on a Bench // The Annual Latvian Literature Award [EN, LV]
Laura Studente, review of Cow on the Car Boot // Internet magazine, 2015 [LV]
2015, shortlisted for the Annual Latvian Literature award for Humpty Dumpty sat on a Bench
2008, the Pastariņš Prize

The Noisy Classroom
The Noisy Classroom (Skaļā klase)

: The Noisy ClassroomTitle*
: Skaļā klaseAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:The author, the illustrator
:It isn't easy being a kid - especially in the noisiest class in the school. And sometimes, the hardest thing is just trying to fit in. Illustrated by Vivianna Maria Staņislavska.

The Girl Who Learned All the Languages of the World
The Girl Who Learned All the Languages of the World (Meitene, kura mācēja visas pasaules valodas)

: The Girl Who Learned All the Languages of the WorldTitle*
: Meitene, kura mācēja visas pasaules valodasAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:The Emma Press, United Kingdom
:Chein Shyan Lee
:The author, the illustrator, the translator, Pētergailis
:Join Lela on her journey, learning words in Latvian, French, Finnish, German, Spanish, Italian, Estonian, Swedish, Slovenian, Dutch, Maltese and Russian.

Kärarikas klass
Kärarikas klass (Skaļā klase)

: Kärarikas klassTitle*
: Skaļā klaseAuthors
:Translated by
:Children`s Book
:author, publisher, illustrator
:Anyone who has been through school will find something they can relate to, or a nuance they have forgotten. This collection covers the most important topics encountered in school: love, hatred, friendship, loneliness, success and failure in studies.